Fontmell Magna

Dorset Lay Subsidy Roll

Transcribed by Chris Bellers

Taken from Mills A.D. The Dorset Lay Subsidy Roll of 1332. Dorset Record Society. (Dorchester 1971)

A 'lay subsidy' was a tax for a specific purpose, such as subsidising a foreign war, which was distinguished from taxes levied on the clergy. The subsidy was based on a fraction of the value of moveable goods (e.g. livestock and produce). The fraction was one fifteenth for rural and one tenth for urban areas and the royal demesne. The tax was therefore commonly known as the Tenth and Fifteenth. The subsidy became a mainstay of medieval taxation. To start with, the fraction varied with each assessment but, from 1334, the process was simplified by fixing the sums required from each community at the amounts that had been levied in 1332. The subsidy was not abolished until the 17th century.

Key: s. = solidus = shilling, d. = donarius = penny, ob. = obolus = ½ d., q. = quadrans = farthing The Roll uses Roman numerals with a 'j' for the final 'i', to make it clear the number has ended (so 'xviij' is 18, and not 17, and 'vj' is 6).

1332 - Fontemel

De Willelmo Northowx.s.  De Ricardo Brounxviij. d.
De Johanne Poukeviij. s. vj. d. q.  De Johanne atte Brokeij. s.
De Roberto in la Comb'iij. s. ix. d. ob.  De Johanne Blyk'ij. s.
De Waltero Wy?trich'vj. s. vj. d. ob.  De Roberto Foylij. s. viij. d.
De Adam Andreuv. s. vj. d.  De Thoma Shouexij. d.
De Willelmo Gopyld'ij. s.  De Petro le Hoperexij. d.
De Rogero Goudrich'xviij. d.  De Johanne de Monketon'ij. s.
De Willelmo Cros'ij. s.  De Willelmo le Nywexij. d.
De Thoma Ficherxij. d.  De Ricardo Robetxviij. d.
De Henrico Osbernij. s.  De Thoma le Bauxviij. d.
De Willelmo Ywoniij. s.  De Agnete Creych'xij. d.
De Willelmo Nicholevj. s. vj. d.  De Ricardo le Gog'ij. s. vj. d.
De Johanne Creich'iij. s.  De Johanne atte Yatexviij. d.
De Ricardo atte Ok'ij. s.  De Galfrido Shoueij. s.
De Johanne Steuenexij. d.  De Waltero Denysxviij. d.
De Hugone Halueknyghtziij. s.  De Roberto Cryntexviij. d.
De Thoma Louelviij. d.  De Willelmo le Hopereij. s.
De Johanne Guch'xij. d.  De Johanne Damebeneyteij. s.
De Willelmo atte Church'iij. s.  De Adam le Swonij. s.
De Johanne Freleviij. d.  De Petro le Kyng'xij. d.
De Johanne Raweliiij. s.  De Willelmo Bollexij. d.
De Johanne Kyng'ij. s.  Summa. Cvij. s. q. prob[atur] 


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