Original Wills and
Administrations of Archdeaconry Court of Dorset
held at Dorset County Record Office
Page 2
Thomas Corban of Langton Matravers
Administration bond:
- Mary Corban, widow of Langton Matravers, John Talbot yeoman and Mary Clark, spinster of Langton aforesaid bound 2 August 1753
- Mary Corban, widow of Thomas to administer
Witness: John Combes, Clerk
Abstracted from transcript in Sue Mills’ possession (from reference AD/DT/W/1762/78)
Robert Nineham, Yeoman of Langton, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Dated: 10 November 1761
- John Nineham (son): 40s and also £50 ‘that he is Indebted to Me, and which I paid for him to
Mr. William Filliter for Rent at Michaelmas last’ 1761.
- Thomas Nineham (grandson) son of John Nineham aforesaid: lands at the Town's End in Swannage, forever
- Margaret Smith (daughter): the Feather Bed and all the Furniture now in her own Possession, the
Dram Dish and the Silver Bodkin
- Elizabeth Chinchen (daughter) wife of John Chinchen: £10 in 12 months after my decease, and my Clock and Case
- Sarah Chinchen (granddaughter): my Tea Table and my two best Chairs
- Elizabeth Chinchen (daughter): my best Gold Ring
- Sarah Jenkins (daughter): £20 in 12 months after my decease, and my Second best Gold Ring
- Edward Chinchen (grandson): £10 when 21 years of age
- Sarah Nineham (granddaughter), daughter of Thomas Nineham (son) deceased: 20s
- Robert Jenkins (grandson): my Silver Buckles
- Robert ‘{Smith}’ (son): my Common Prayer Book
- Mary Nineham: my Tea Pot
- All grandchildren living at the time of my decease: 20s each in 12 months after my decease.
- Elizabeth Chinchen and Sarah Jenkins (daughters): all my wearing apparel both of Linen and Woolen,
to be delivered them in one month after my decease
- Robert Nineham and Margaret Smith (son and daughter): residue of personal Estate, goods, Bonds, Bills,
Notes of Hand, Book Debts, Money and Securities for Monies within 12 months after my Decease.
Executor and Executrix: Robert Nineham (son) and Margaret Smith (daughter)
Robert Nineham: to ‘have the whole and Sole Management to see all my Goods Appraised and Sold
and all my Debts and Legacies paid and Discharged then the Remainder to be equally Divided Between Them’
Signed by testator
Witnesses: Mark of Robert Hann, Robert Nineham, John Cox senior, John Cox Juner.
Memorandum: ‘the Word Smith was altered and the Erasing out in the same Line was made before the
Sealing & delivery hereof.’
Proved: 20 March 1762
Charles Chinchen of Langton Matravers
Administration bond:
- James Chinchen of Langton, marbler, Stephen Tubb, Thomas Seamer of the same place, marblers bound 6 May 1764
- James Chinchen to administer goods of his son Charles
Witnesses: John Combes, John Semer
Commission 5 May 1764, James Chinchen sworn before John Combes, Clerk, 6 May 1764
Samuel Bower of Langton Matravers
Administration bond:
- Mary Bower of Langton Matravers, widow, Thomas Lander and Thomas Seamer of the same, marblers bound 7 October 1766
- Mary Bower widow and relict of Samuel to administer
Witnesses: John Combes, John Phippard
Thomas Dampier of Langton Matravers
Administration bond:
- Edward Dampier of Langton Wallis, gent, John Dampier of Wareham, mercer and Thomas Bartlett of same, gent bound 16 March 1767
- Edward Dampier, father of Thomas to administer
Witness: John Hutchins
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090750 1767 – 1768 bundle 104 (1768), number 30
John Thickes, Marbler or Shoemaker of Langton Matravers, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Dated: 22 May 1764
- John Thickes (uncle): yearly rent of my house and lands at Sandwich for his life then to Mary Tubb (aunt),
wife of Stephen Tubb.
- Elizabeth Thickes (sister): 1s
- Stephen Tubb (uncle): all lands and tenements in Sandwich, forever
Executor: Stephen Tubb (uncle)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: John Combes, John Talbot, John Hayward
Codicil: 11 October 1767
- Mary Tubb (aunt) to possess and enjoy half the year rent of estate at Sandwich during the life of John Thickes (uncle)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: John Combes, Mary Bower (x), Jane Pheppard
Proved: 28 April 1768 (by Stephen Tubb)
James Thicks and Rachel Thicks of Langton Matravers, Isle of Purbeck
Administration bond:
- Edward Chinchen of Worth Matravers, quarrier, James Hayward, Langton Matravers, quarrier and
John Corban of Langton, quarrier bound 2 March 1768
- Mary wife of Edward Chinchen to administer goods etc of her father and mother James Thicks and Rachel Thicks his widow
Witnesses: John Pyke, Jared Trew
Commission: 15 February 1768 executed on 2 March 1768 by John Pyke, Clerk to Mary Chinchen
John Barnes of Langton Matravers
Administration bond:
- Mary Barnes of Langton Matravers, widow, Peter Corban [Corben] of same, marbler and
Sarah Corban of same, spinster bound 14 July 1770
- Mary Barnes relict of John Barnes to administer goods
Witnesses: John and Elizabeth Combes
George Cull the elder of Langton Matravers, yeoman
Administration bond:
- Sarah Cull of Langton Matravers, widow, George and Robert Cull of same, yeomen bound 19 January 1773
- Sarah Cull widow and relict to administer goods of George Cull the elder, sworn before John Combes, Clerk
Witnesses: James and Betty Cull
John Combes of Langton Matravers, clerk
- John Combes of Langton Matravers, clerk and John Doe bound 29 June 1774
- John Combes son of John Combes to administer.
Sworn before John Cooth, surrogate
Witness: Walter Erle
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090753 1774 – 1775 bundle 110 (1774), number 30
John Savage, yeoman of Langton Matravers, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Will endorsed: ‘Admission granted in 1779 the widow having married’.
Dated: 29 January 1772
- Thomas (son): lands at Nitson, stock and crop of Langton Farm where I now dwell
- Mary (daughter): £105
- Ann (daughter): £105
- Elizabeth (mother): £13/year
Executrix: wife if she continues a widow. If she marries then Mary and Ann (daughters) are executrixes
Signed by testator
Witnesses: Richard Greenham, William Goringe, John Goringe
Proved: sworn 19 October 1774
John Savage of Langton, Isle of Purbeck, yeoman
Administration: 16 February 1779
- His widow Margaret proved his will dated 29 January 1772 on 19 October 1774 but since married to another man
by reason the execution of the will is devolved to his daughters Mary and Ann Savage.
Both are minors: Mary aged 15 years and Ann aged 11 years and hereby make choice of their grandfather
Mr Thomas Lander of Langton as curator and guardian
Witnesses: William Lander and Mary Bower
Administration bond: Thomas Lander of Langton, Isle of Purbeck and William Lander of the same bound 15 February 1779
Thomas Lander testamentary trustee and administrator of goods etc of John Savage of Langton during minorities of Mary and Ann Savage,
executrixes, until they are 17 or married.
Sworn before Reverend George Marsh, surrogate of Blandford Forum 20 February 1779, at George Marsh's dwelling house
Witnesses: Thomas Fitzherbert, Thomas Rolls
John Long of Langton Matravers
Administration bond:
- William Ingram of Corfe Castle, brazier, James Warren of Swanage, marbler quarryman bound 29 August 1780
- William Ingram principal creditor of John Long of Langton Matravers deceased, to administer.
Sworn before George Marsh, surrogate. William Ingram also sworn that the deceased was indebted to him to sum of £200
(Hester Long, widow of deceased having first renounced letters of administration under her hand 21 August 1780, her mark witness John Jenn)
Witness: Thomas Fitzherbert, Notary Public
Dorothy Mitchell of Langton Matravers
Dated:15 December 1779
Timothy (husband), Elizabeth Harden and Joseph Harden (niece and nephew)
: 'leve all I am prosest of all my goods and chattles' equally divided and all executors
- 'if my son John Lineten [Linnington] should be living and ever return that he shall have and be prosest
of the one half as to what is given to Timothy Mitchell, Elizabeth and Joseph Harden
Witnesses: Jehonadab Davis, Ruth Baker
(her mark x)
Proved 14 December 1780
Sworn before William Smith, surrogate, power reserved to Elizabeth and Joseph Harden
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090756 1781-1783 bundle 117 (1781), number 38
Mary Cull, spinster of Langton Matravers, Dorset
- Body to be buried at Worth near my father
- Betty Cull (‘dearly beloved sister’) daughter of George and Sarah: my goods
- ‘I desire that my mother will not take it amiss that I have not let it to her as she is handsomely provided
for and cannot want it – and as my brothers can better increase their fortunes than my sister can I hope
they will not be angry with me’.
- 12 poor men to carry me to church: 5s each
- Hannah Smith: my sister to give her £5 in 1 month after my death ‘and all my “oll close” in consideration
of the care and tenderness of her to me in all my illnesses’.
Executrix: Betty Cull
Signed by testator
Witnesses: Alice Cull, Hannah Smith
Commission: 10 March 1781
Proved: Betty Cull sworn 23 April 1781
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090756 1781-1783 bundle 118 (1782), number 37
Richard Cole
of Langton Matravers, Dorset
Dated: 17 January 1781
- ‘very sick and weak in body’
- Titus Corban: house and tenement and household goods except 2 large pewter dishes mentioned below.
- Harry and ‘Petter’ Corban: 1s 6d each
- George son of Thomas and Martha Harden: 2 large pewter dishes
Executor: Titus Corban
Signed by testator
Witnesses: William Talbot, John Talbot, Thomas B[?] (x)
Proved: 1782
Richard Briggs of Langton, Isle of Purbeck, cordwainer
Administration bond:
- Ann Briggs widow of Langton and William Briggs of same, cordwainer and John Briggs of Swanage, cordwainer bound 17 November 1783
- Ann Briggs, relict of Richard Briggs to administer
Witnesses: Morgan Jones, Ann Briggs
Commission: 17 November 1783, Ann Briggs
Sworn 17 November 1783 before Morgan Jones, Commissioner
Titus Chinchen of Langton Matravers, stone merchant
Dated: 15 January 1780
- Titus Chinchen Bower son of Henry Bower by Elizabeth (niece): half of household goods and furniture, money, leasehold estates etc when 21,
before that to Henry and Elizabeth Bower.
- Henry and Elizabeth Bower: other half of household goods and furniture, money, leasehold estates etc; executors
Witnesses: Richard Cull, George Filliter
Proved: 11 June 1788 by Henry and Elizabeth Bower
Sworn before George Ryves Hawker, Surrogate
Reuben Bower of Langton, Isle of Purbeck, quarrier
Renounciation of administration, 24 May 1797:
- Anna Branton of Portsmouth in County of Southampton only sister of Reuben Bower renounces taking of any administration
and nominates John Monday, Notary Public one of the procuration of the Court of the Archdeacon of Dorset to be my proctor
and to procure letters of administration to be granted to Benjamin Bower of Swanage, stone merchant, one of the nephews of Reuben Bower.
Witnesses: William Glendening, Joseph Russell
Administration Bond:
- Benjamin Bower of Swanage, stone merchant, Joseph Stickland of same, stone mason and Aaron Bower of same, stone mason bound 26 June 1797
- Benjamin Bower one of the nephews to administer goods of Reuben Bower
- T[Thomas] Morton Colson and Thomas Bartlett, junior.
Commission 30 May 1797 executed and Benjamin Bower sworn 26 June 1797 before T[Thomas] Morton Colson, Commissioner
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090763 1804 - 1807 bundle 140 (1804), number 19
Austin Bower of Langton Matravers, Dorset
Dated: 27[?] September 1797
- Joseph (son): bed, bedstead, bedclothes, the bed called ‘Father’s own bed’, the use and proceeds
of all my quarries, quarry houses and tools, and my wearing apparel
- Phebe (daughter): feather bed and bedstead
- Hannah (daughter): feather bed, bedstead and bedclothes and my late wife’s wearing apparel and my silver watch.
- Austin (son): 1 guinea
- Joseph, Phebe and Hannah (children): residue equally divided
Executor: Joseph (son)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: Ann A Brown and James Brown
Proved: 1804
Goods: valued under £100
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090763 1804 - 1807 bundle 141 (1805), number 20
Joseph Cox, taylor and victualler, of Langton Matravers, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Dated: 4 April 1805
- ‘weak in body’
- Mary (wife): house I now live ‘used as a victualling house with outhouses, stable and garden.
Then to John, William, Joseph, Samuel, Betty and Mary Cox (children) as joint tenants, forever.
- Mary (wife): household goods and furniture as long as she continues a widow then to children.
Executrix: Mary (wife)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: ‘Ellenr’ Bower, Thomas Lamb, Joseph Gover
Robert Smith of Langton Matravers, yeoman, widower
Commission: 6 April 1807, Robert and Titus Smith
Sworn 23 May 1807 before John Dampier, Commissioner. Robert Smith died intestate 22 March 1807 and goods value under £100
Administration bond:
- Robert Smith of Langton Matravers, yeoman, Titus Smith of same yeoman, Thomas Lamb of Swanage, glazier
and Charles Chinchen of Langton Matravers, yeoman bound 23 May 1807
- Robert and Titus Smith only sons of Robert Smith to administer
Witnesses: John Dampier, John Mortimer
Frances Coombes or Coombs of Langton Matravers, widow
Commission: 9 March 1807, John Curtis brother and one of next of kin of Frances Coombes sworn 11 March 1807 before P Harrison,
Commissioner. Frances Coombes died intestate in November 1806 and goods value under £100
Administration bond:
- John Curtis of City of New Sarum [Salisbury], Wiltshire, carpenter, Thomas Awbrey of same, bricklayer and Charles Ginnings of same,
gardener bound 11 March 1807
- John Curtis to administer goods of Frances Coombs
Witnesses: P Harrison, clerk, William Hayward, clerk to Messrs Boucher and Warden, Solicitors, Salisbury
Joseph Chinchen, stone merchant of Langton, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Dated: 17 June 1808
- James (brother): all
Executor: James (brother)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: Richard Spincer, Nathan Chinchen, G Filliter
Proved: 12 July 1811by James Chinchen (brother)
Goods sworn under £600
William Bower of Langton Matravers, quarrier
Commission: 15 December 1814. Hannah Bower sworn 20 December 1814 before John Thornton. Goods value under £100
Administration bond:
- Hannah Bower of Langton Matravers widow of William Bower, Thomas Lamb of Swanage, plumber and Benjamin Phippard of same,
quarrier bound 20 December 1814
- Hannah Bower to administer goods of William Bower
Witnesses: Sally McBride, Joseph Lamb
Inventory: William Bower died 1 September 1814. Appraised by Thomas Lamb
Plate: none
Books: 10s
Linen: £3
Apparel: £3 10s
Money: none
Leasehold tenement held on the life of Hannah Bower aged 59 years
Lords Rent 2s 6d per annum renewable at the option of H Bankes Esquire
Annual value 50s
Value: £10
Sundry shop and household goods: £40
Total £57
Henry Bower of Langton Matravers, stone merchant
Will dated 3 September 1814
- Isaac (son): two quarries called Seacombe and Idbury at Cliff within the parish of Langton Matravers and other stone quarry
in occupation of myself and Robert Stephens [Stevens] in Swanage Field in Swanage, and other stone quarry in occupation
of myself and Samuel Marsh at Herston in field called Lanchards in parish of Swanage; and tackle quarrying tools and implements
at or in the quarries
- Elizabeth (wife): household goods and furniture, money and rest
- Isaac (son) and Elizabeth (wife): executor and executrix
Witnesses: G Filliter, solicitor of Wareham; R J Marshallsay and Thomas Arnold, junior, clerks to G Filliter
Commission: 5 September 1818. Elizabeth Bower of Langton Matravers, widow and Isaac Bower of Swanage, stone merchant
Sworn 17 September 1818 before John Thornton, Commissioner. Henry Bower died 1 March 1818 and goods sworn under £800.
Elizabeth Bower, widow of Langton Matravers
Will dated: 2 February 1819
- Isaac (son): freehold dwellinghouse and garden in Langton Matravers formerly in possession of Titus Chinchen,
deceased and cottage with garden plot in Langton Matravers formerly in occupation of William Brown.
The dwellinghouse, cottage and gardens now in my occupation and of Henry Hellier, gentleman and were
purchased by Henry Bower deceased (late husband) from The Reverend Samuel Serrell clerk. Also leasehold
cottage or dwellinghouse with garden at the West end of field called Acton field in Langton Matravers in occupation
of James Edmunds, quarrier
- Esther Bower (dau): leasehold dwellinghouse (now divided into two tenements) with garden at the North west end of field
called Thomass mead in Langton Matravers in occupation of Henry Ball and James Bower; and £150
- Isaac, Esther and Maria Hellier (my three children): all household foods, furniture, linen, china and plate to share equally
- Isaac (son): stock in trade, book and other debts and rest; and executor
Witnesses: G Filliter, solicitor of Wareham; R J Marshallsay and John Snelgar, junior, clerks to G Filliter
Commission: 3 March 1821. Isaac Bower of Swanage, stone merchant
Sworn 5 March 1821 before S L Margary, Commissioner. Elizabeth Bower died 14 September 1820 and goods under £300.
Richard Bower of Langton Matravers, quarrier
Will dated: 22 May 1822
- 'being in the enjoyment of my perfect senses'
- Mary Bridle, widow ('beloved niece'): whole of property; executrix
Witnesses: William Travers, Henry Corben, James Corben
Proved 25 June 1822 by Mary Bridle of Langton Matravers,
Sworn before Thomas Tupping[?], Surrogate. Testator died 30 May 1822. Goods under £450.
John Edmunds Baker of Langton Matravers, carpenter
Administration bond:
- Elizabeth Baker of Langton Matravers, widow, Henry Corbin [Corben] of same, baker, Robert Stayner
of Blandford Forum, chairmaker bound 5 February 1825
- Elizabeth Baker to administer goods of John Edmunds Baker her late husband
Witness: John Tregathing[?]
Elizabeth Baker
Sworn 5 February 1825 before George William J Chard, surrogate.
Witness Henry St Johns Notary Public. Goods under £100.
Abstracted from transcript in Sue Mills’ possession (from reference AD/DT/W/1827/29)
John Chinchen, senior, Stonemason of Langton Matravers, Dorset
Dated: 17 August 1826
- ‘Marey’ Chinchen (‘beloved wife’): houses, lands and goods that belonged to her before I married her,
and half the goods we bought since marriage. Also all the yearly income of my ‘sewting’ houses at Langton.
‘She is to keep it in a Descent Repair and to have the use of my Bed and Bedsteed, for her life, to Lay on,
with caretaking and any perticuler thing for her own use during her life, But only one third of the set of
Chainey we bought since marrage’
- Jonathan Chinchen (nephew): the West House and lands belonging at Langton Matravers
- Charles Lander (nephew): ‘the East Rooms above and below, and lands, and right to the staires and pasage,
and half the out houses and garden, and a right to the well’
- John Lander (nephew) son of Mary Lander: ‘the West Rooms above and below, and a right to the staires
and under staires and the pasage, and half the out houses and gardens, and a right to the well and lands
in Langton Matravers’
- Neither of the above nephews are to possess until after my wife’s death. Each nepjew to pay £6 to be divided
between Edward Chinchen (brother), ‘others three Children’ and Betty Standley (sister), ‘other six children
or there children’
- Charles Chinchen and Jonathan Chinchen: ‘to inspect into all my rights, and take an account of all that
belong to my wife and me, and see that justus is done in every respect.’
- John Standley (nephew): silver watch
- Sarah Gradey (niece): silver cream mug
- Mary ‘Ronens’ (niece): ‘my Grape Gould Ring’
- Margaret Bower (niece): silver tablespoon
- Mary Harlock (niece): silver tea tongs
- Sarah Lander (niece): silver tablespoon,
- The above nieces and nephew to have an equal share of the other goods of mine ‘to be equally divided
between my Brother Edward Chinchen and my two sisters' children or their children, and all my wearing
apparel to be equally divided between my Brother and sisters' sons.
Executrix: Mary Chinchen (wife)
Signed by testator: John Chinchen, senior
Witnesses: Henry Corben, Charles Hayward, Thomas Vey Saunders
Proved: 13 July 1827
Abstracted from transcript in Sue Mills’ possession (from reference AD/DT/W/1827/30)
Mary Chinchen, widow of Langton Matravers, Isle of Purbeck, Dorset
Dated: 18 June 1827
- Elizabeth (sister) wife of William Smith, blacksmith of Sandwich otherwise Swanage,: half part
of two freehold messuages with the outhouses, Gardens, land and premises at Sandwich otherwise
Swanage, now in the occupations of John Harden and William Medway. After her decease then to her
daughter Margaret Smith (niece) If Margaret Smith has no issue then to Elizabeth (niece) wife of
Thomas Hibbs, labourer of Langton Matravers, forever.
- Thomas Savage (brother), yeoman of Knitson, Isle of Purbeck: my silver watch and case.
- Elizabeth Smith (sister) and Ann Cross (sister) wife of Thomas Cross, stone mason of Langton Matravers:
residue of money, securities for money, household goods, furniture and estate
Executors: the said William Smith and Thomas Cross
Signed by testatrix
Witnesses: Phineas Chinchen, Charles Hayward, Robert D Marshfield
Proved: 28 September 1827
Mary Bridle of Langton Matravers, widow
- Jane Bridle of Langton Matravers, widow, Thomas Bridle of Acton, Langton Matravers, stone mason
and Thomas Stickland of Langton Matravers, stone mason bound 10 April 1830
- Jane Bridle, daughter in law and curatrix or guardian assigned to Jane, Charles, William, James and John Bridle,
minors the grandchildren and only persons entitled to the personal estate and effects of Mary Bridle
Witnesses: R Horlock, clerk to Mr Johns, attorney, Blandford
10 April 1830 Jane Bridle
Sworn before George William J Chard, Surrogate. Mary Bridle died intestate on 25 March 1830.
Goods under £200
Joseph Barnes of Langton Matravers, cordwainer
Will dated: 8 January 1827
- Elizabeth ('dear wife') property, houses (house I live in and one in occupation of Elizabeth Sturmorey, both in Langton),
household goods, ready money, book debts, stock in trade; and executrix
Witnesses: Harry Henning, Charles Orchard, William Henning
Proved 19 June 1833 by Elizabeth Barnes, widow
Sworn before George William J Chard, Surrogate.
Goods under £300 and Joseph Barnes died 14 December 1832.
Phineas Chinchen of Langton Matravers, malster
Commission: 15 December 1840.
- Charles Chinchen of Langton Matravers, malster (brother of deceased) sworn to administer the seventh part of residue
of goods in will to Ellen Edmunds niece of Phineas Chinchen but who died in his lifetime
- Charles Chinchen sworn 22 December 1840 before Joseph Kenworthy, Commissioner. Testator died 18 April 1840.
Administration bond:
- Charles Chinchen of Langton Matravers, malster, George Cull of same yeoman and William Edmunds of same malster bound 22 December 1840.
- Charles Chinchen, brother and administrator of one seventh part of residue of estate of Phineas Chinchen
Witness: Joseph Kenworthy, Commissioner
DHC: AD/DT/W/1840/18
George Cull, Worth Matravers,
Will made: 15 March 1834
- William (son): freehold messuages etc in Langton Matravers, after his death to Joseph (son)
- Ruth (wife): rest of freehold and leasehold, monies, household goods etc
'placing every confidence in my said wife,
to distribute the same between all my children'; executrix
Witnesses: Mary Randall, Jane Sinnick, Robert D Marshfield
Commission oath: to Ruth Cull, widow of Langton Matravers executrix 16 March
Sworn: died 21 December 1839, goods sworn under £300.
Executed 20 March 1840 before David Davies, Commissioner
James Corben of Langton Matravers, shopkeeper
Dated: 20 January 1845
- Anna (wife): for her lifetime - freehold dwellinghouse or inn with brewhouse stable garden etc called Kings Arms at Langton Matravers
now occupied by Thomas Stevens as undertenant to Mr Panton to whom I have let the same for ten years and for any longer period at
his option; freehold dwellinghouse garden etc at Langton Matravers in occupation of James Chinchen; three freehold dwellinghouses in
Langton Matravers in occupation of myself and Hester Cross; after her decease:-
- Alexander Corben of Langton Matravers, quarrier (nephew): freehold dwellinghouse or inn with brewhouse stable garden etc called
Kings Arms at Langton Matravers now occupied by Thomas Stevens ; freehold dwellinghouse garden etc at Langton Matravers in occupation
of James Chinchen; freehold dwellinghouse in Langton Matravers in occupation of Hester Cross
- Cornelius Webber of Langton Matravers, quarrier (nephew): two freehold dwellinghouses in Langton Matravers in occupation of myself
- Anna (wife): leasehold dwellinghouse in Herston occupied by Jeremiah Meader; two leasehold or copyhold dwellinghouses at Langton Matravers
in occupations of Cornelius Webber and Joseph Hibbs. After her decease:-
- Jemima wife of William Phippard of Herston (niece): leasehold or copyhold dwellinghouse at Langton Matravers in occupation of
Cornelius Webber
- Elizabeth wife of William Benfield of Swanage, quarrier (niece): leasehold or copyhold dwellinghouse at Langton Matravers
in occupation of Joseph Hibbs
- Anna (wife) and James Panton of Wareham, gentleman: rest including household goods, furniture, stock in trade, book debts etc on trust that
Anna have the use and profits during her life, after her decease:-
- Ann wife of [blank] Hood of Brighton, Sussex, shopkeeper (niece): to be assigned the following: silver table spoon, silver sugar tongs,
silver snuff box and four silver tea spoons
- Sarah wife of John Baker, policeman in London (niece): chest of drawers, card table, wash hand stan, bason and ewer, and a
round table, which I purchased of the said Sarah Baker
- Mary Best wife of John Best of Swanage, quarrier, Charlotte Haysom wife of Treleven Haysom of Southampton, shoemaker, said
Jemima Phippard and said Elizabeth Benfield (nieces): residue of household goods and furniture
- Jemima Phippard (niece): £30
- Elizabeth Benfield (niece): £30
- Ann Hood (niece): £20
- Mary Best, Charlotte Haysom and Sarah Baker (nieces): residue
- Anna (wife) and James Panton: executrix and executor
Witnesses: George Smith of Langton Matravers, blacksmith
Isaac Crocker of Langton Matravers, parish clerk
Robert D Marshfield of Wareham, attorney at law
Commission: 10 March 1845. Anna Corben and James Panton
Sworn 28 March 1845 before Edmund Goodenough Bayly, Commissioner.
Goods under £600. Testator died 14 February 1845.
DHC reference: Ad/Dt/A/1846/5
Isaac Crocker, Parish Clerk,
widower, Herston in Langton Matravers
Administration: Arthur Crocker, servant of High Hall, Wimborne Minster (grandson) to administer goods etc
1 December 1846
9 December 1846
Sworn under £100 (Isaac Crocker died 5 November 1846)
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090781 1848 - 1851 bundle 187 (1851), number 8
John Gardner, builder of Langton Matravers, Dorset
Dated: 2 September 1847
- Ann (‘dear wife’): all lands, messuages etc, forever
Executrix: Ann (wife)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: Aaron Smith, Frederick Smith, Stewart White
Proved: 24 February 1851 by Ann Gardner, widow.
Goods sworn under £2000
Testator died 4 October 1850
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090782 1852 - 1855 bundle 188 (1852), number 27
John Kearley, yeoman of Langton Matravers, Dorset
Dated: 9 August 1851
- George (son): £60, to be paid £1/month until all is paid, remaining to his children as shall be living
- Mary Ann Bascombe (daughter) wife of James: £150 to be paid in 12 months
- Eliza Hartnell (daughter) wife of John: £100 to be paid in two instalments, £50 2 years after my decease
and £50 5 years after my decease
- Jane Wellstead (daughter) wife of George: £5
- John (son): residue
Executor: John (son)
Signed by testator
Witnesses: John Barnett Gillingham, draper of Wareham and Harry Jenkins, yeoman of Langton
Commission: 26 February 1852 to John Kearley of Langton Matravers, executor to administer
goods of the deceased
Goods sworn under £600
John Kearley (testator): died 15 November 1851
Commission executed: 3 March 1852
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090782 1852 - 1855 bundle 189 (1853), number 18
John Kearley, yeoman of Langton Matravers, Dorset
Dated: 1 June 1853
- Susannah (wife): all real and personal estate, tenements, live and dead stock and crop farming utensils
and implements
Executrix: Susannah (wife)
Mark of testator (x)
Witnesses: H D DeLaMotte, surgeon of Swanage, Robert D Marshfield, Attorney at Law of Wareham
Commission: 12 July 1853
Goods sworn under £600
Testator died 2 June 1853
Signed by executrix
Commission executed: 15 July 1853
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090782 1852 - 1855 bundle 190 (1854), number 14
Jasper Rabbetts, Toll Gate Keeper of Langton Matravers, Dorset
Dated: 17 April 1854
- ‘being sick’
- Sarah (wife): household goods
- Sarah (wife) and Thomas (son): money in my possession and all debts due to me divided between them
Executor: Henry De LaMotte, surgeon of Swanage
Signed by testator
Witnesses: William C Burt, William Eyers, John Corben
Commission: to Henry Digby Coles Delamotte, surgeon of Swanage the executor in the will of the
deceased to administer.
Goods sworn under £200
Oath: that Jasper Rabbetts died 18 April 1854
Signed by Delamotte
Certified that the commission was executed 31 May 1854
Appeared personally William Cole Burt, merchant of Swanage. He made oath that he was witness to the
execution of the will of the deceased.
Signed by William Cole Burt
Sworn 1 June 1854 to the truth of this affidavit
The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints Microfilm 0090782 1852 - 1855 bundle 191 (1855), number 9
Titus Saunders, dairyman of Langton Matravers, Dorset
Dated: 22 April 1852
- Elizabeth (wife): 2 freehold cottages, Swanage. After her decease, the north cottage to Charlotte Bower
(niece) of Langton Matravers, then to George and Aaron Smith (nephews). The other cottage adjacent to the
north cottage after wife’s decease to Thomas Smith (nephew) of the Town of Liverpool, then to George and
Aaron Smith (nephews)
- Elizabeth (wife): household goods, then to Thomas, George and Aaron Smith and Charlotte Bower
their sister (nephews and niece)
- John Rowlands of Worth Matravers: £5
Executors: George and Aaron Smith (nephews)
Mark of testator (x)
Witnesses: David Davies, Clerk of Langton Matravers, James Talbot of Langton, and Robert Handcock of Langton
Proved: 10 April 1855 by George Smith, blacksmith of Langton Matravers and Aaron Smith, blacksmith
of Langton Matravers
Goods sworn under £600
Testator died 19 March 1855
Letter: Swanage 31 March 1855
‘Gentlemen. I beg to forward the enclosed valuations as requested. I have put them separate as I think freehold
does not pay – If you hand both to your attorney he will be able to inform you. I remain Gentlemen’ John S Smedmore
Valuation made 31 March 1855 by John S Smedmore, Swanage
Furniture, linen, ware, books and wearing apparel: £13 7s 6d
Money in house £2
Savings Bank £340
National Provincial Bank £203
Total: £558 7s 6d
Valuation of two freehold cottages and gardens
‘These cottages are situate near and on the west side of the Mill Pond at Swanage and in the occupation of
John Baker and George Medway’
Their total value: £120