Blandford Forum

Universal British Directory for 1791 for Blandford

"A bank is established here, under the firm of Messrs. John Bastard, William Sollers and John Dansey; their bills are payable at Sir. James Esdaile and Co's Lombard Street, London.  

The bags for the West of Blandford are sealed at the post office a quarter before ten in the morning, and at half past two in the afternoon, for London - No post down on Mondays, nor up on Saturdays.

COACHES.  The mail coach, from London to Exeter, arrives every morning at Blandford, between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock; and returns every afternoon, at three, in it's road to London. A balloon coach every afternoon, at 5 o'clock, to London, from the Greyhound inn, Blandford from Exeter. The Mercury goes from the Crown inn, to London, every afternoon at 5, from Exeter. The Balloon and Mercury coaches come to the same inns, from London, every evening about 10 o'clock, and go on to Exeter.

WAGGONS. Russell's stage wagons arrive at Blandford, from London, almost every day in the week, and go to London as often. Foote's stage wagon from Bath, goes through Blandford every Thursday, for Poole, and returns through Blandford to Shaftesbury every Friday. Hayter's stage wagon goes from Blandford to Salisbury every Tuesday and Friday, and returns the following days. Bolt's stage wagon twice a week from Blandford to Weymouth.

Blandford is distant from Weymouth 24 miles, from Dorchester 16,Wareham 14,Poole 15, Christchurch 20, Ringwood 20, Wimburn 9, Salisbury 23,Shaftesbury 10, Sherborne 20, Sturminster Newton 9, Bere Regis 8,and from London 105.

The principal inns are, the Crown, and the Greyhound. The following are the principal inhabitants:

Atkinson Rev. Joseph  
Chisholm Rev. Geo Rector of Ashmore
Field Rev. Henry Dissenting Minister
Marsh Rev. George  
Maurice Rev. Robert Rector of Burston
Sparke Rev. Boyer  
Topping Rev. Thomas  
Warton Rev. John  
Yetman Rev. John  
Baskerville Richard Esq  
Bastard Thomas Esq  
Blake William Esq  
Budden Thomas Esq  
Dale James Esq  
Feaver Thomas Esq  
Bird Thomas Attorney
Cooth Edmund Attorney
Harrison John Attorney
King John Tregonwell Attorney
Monday John Attorney
Dansy William Surgeon
Dansy John Surgeon & Apothecary
Muston William Surgeon & Apothecary
Muston William Man-midwife
Pulteney Richard Physician F.R.S
Tice Malachi Surgeon etc.
Adams James Victualler (Ark)
Adams George Manufacturer of Shirt Buttons
Allambridge John Silversmith
Ames Thomas Tailor
Applin Joseph Writing Master
Bailey John Dancing Master
Barfoot John Sadler
Barnes John Heel Cutter
Barnes William Tailor
Bartlett Thomas Boot & Shoe maker
Bastard John Banker
Batten George Excise Officer
Batten   Stay Maker
Beale Mrs (widow) Cooper
Benjafield John Tallow Chandler
Biggs & Sons Button Manufacturers
Biggs & Sons Mercers & Drapers
Blandford Morgan Blacksmith
Bower Thomas Currier
Bright Tho. Victualler Jolly Sailors
Brine George Builder & Joiner
Budden Thomas jnr. Baker
Bulgin James Whitesmith & Gunsmith
Carpenter Stephen Builder & Cabinet Maker
Carter John Victualler Blue Boar
Charmbury Daniel Builder & Joiner
Chinn William Cooper
Clapcott William Beer & Porter Brewer
Clarke John Currier & Maltster
Collins William Tailor
Cooling Mrs. (widow) Victualler 3 Choughs
Coward Ann (widow) Baker
Coward William Victualler (Ship)
Coward James Baker
Creighton Andrew Shopkeeper
Day Benjamin Plumber & Glazier
Dewland Edw. Boot & Shoe Maker
Durden John Grocer
Evans Samuel Maltster & Lime Burner
Farmer Harry Cook
Feltham John Watch Maker
Fisher Robert Post Master & Glover
Fowle Charlotte Milliner
Fowle Robert Button Manufacturer
Fowle Robert Mercer & Draper
Galpine John Kingstone Nursery & Seed Man
Gawler John Cooper
Gibbons Dan Victualler (Fleur de Lis)
Godwin Alice Shop Keeper
Green Edward Shop Keeper & Earthenware man
Groves William Earthenware man & Salesman
Harding John Excise Officer
Hart George Victualler (Black Bear)
Haskell Christopher Sieve Maker
Hayter Joseph Red Lion, Carrier
Heath John Excise Officer
Henville William Carpenter
Hill Sarah Mantua Maker
Hodges John Angel Hatter
Horlock Isaac Grocer
How John Pig Butcher
Hoyle John Ironmonger & Whitesmith
Hunt George Tailor & Salesman
Hurdle Mrs (widow) Shop Keeper
Isaac Richard Tailor
James Joseph Button Manufacturer
James Joseph Mercer & Draper
James Angel Maltster
Jones William Bricklayer
Kail Henry Wine Merchant
Kendall Samuel Baker & Town Sergeant
Kent Jonathan Bricklayer
Kerby Rich. Peruke maker & Hairdresser
Keynes John Grocer
Keynes John Glover & Leather Dresser
King John Cutler & Ironmonger
Lacy Thomas Cordwainer
Lambert Geo. Clock & Watch Maker
Lance Christ. Gardener & Seedsman
Laycock Mrs. Victualler (Cross Keys)
Lush Benj. Shoe Maker & Salesman
Marsh John Cutler
Mathews Abr. Brasier & Tinman
Mew William Clock & Watch Maker
Mitchell William Baker
Mitchell Jos. Farrier & Blacksmith
Mitchell John Shoe Maker & Leather Cutter
Moore James Victualler (3 Swans)
Moss John Victualler (Half Moon)
Moss Thomas Plumber & Shop Keeper
Moss Robert Boot & Shoe Maker
Moss Robert Stay Maker
Muston Mary Grocer
New John Wheelwright & Carpenter
Nichols William Grocer
Nichols William jnr. Baker
Nippard Mrs. (widow) Baker
Norton Charles Victualler (Bell)
Oakley Richard Hosier & hatter
Orchard Thomas Victualler (Sitting Dog & Pointer
Page John Silversmiths & Cutter
Painter Wm. Victualler (King's Arms)
Parker William Plumber & Glazier
Pearse John Farrier & Blacksmith
Percy Edward Upholder & Auctioneer
Percy Harry Glazier & Painter
Percy Nathaniel Staffordshireware
Percy Nathaniel Glass Seller
Piddle Mrs (widow) Innkeeper (New Inn)
Pitman Tho. Puruke Maker
Pitt Sarah Mantua Maker
Pitt John Tallow Chandler & Soap Boiler
Pooley Mrs (widow) Inn Keeper (Greyhound)
Pope Charles Shop Keeper
Reynolds John Collar maker
Roe Mrs (widow) Button Manufacturer
Roe Mrs (widow) Mercer & Draper
Roe Edward Agent for Sun Fire Office
Roe Catherine Milliner
Rolls John Glover & Breeches Maker
Simmonds Sam. Bookseller,Binder, Printer
Simmonds Sam jnr. Bookseller etc.
Simmonds John Bricklayer
Skivington Wm. Innkeeper (White Hart)
Smith William Gardener
Snooke Robert Brasier & Tinman
Soaper Samuel Shoe Maker
Sollers William Stationer, Bookseller
Sollers William Agent to Royal Exchange Fire Office
Spinney Elizabeth & Jane Milliners
Spinney Arthur Whitesmith
Stainer Robert Turner & Basketmaker
Stodart John Victualler (White Bear)
Style William Glazier & Painter
Swyer Robert Victualler (Cock & George)
Symonds William Gun & Whitesmith
Templeman John Tailor
Templeman William Shoe Maker
Tice & Fisher Button manufacturers
Tice & Fisher Mercers & Drapers
Towsey Joseph Stonemason
Tucker William Victualler (Star & Garter)
Tucker Richard Gardener
Turner Frances & Sarah Milliners
Waffe ? (Wasse) Charles Innkeeper (Crown)
Wheeler William Butcher
Wheeler Harry Butcher
White Henry Grocer, Wine Merchant
White Henry Agent to Phoenix Fire Office
Whitten William Hatter & Hosier
Withers Thomas Breeches Maker & Glover
Young Rob. Glover & Breeches Maker

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