
Documents related to William Allen's Settlement Examination and subsequent Removal Order

Transcribed by Colin Jackson

The following transcriptions relate to the 1798 Settlement Examination of William Allen in the Parish of Fordington, Dorset; the 1798 Removal Order to the Parish of Stratton made following that Examination; the 1799 Appeal made by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Stratton; and the 1799 Quarter Sessions Order made regarding that Appeal.


Settlement Examination 1798 – William Allen

Dorset History Centre Reference – MIC/R/1514, PE/FOR/SG/OV5/4/49


The Examination of William Allen of Fordington in the said County Carpenter taken on Oath before us two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace in and for the said County the seventh Day of July 1798.

Who saith that he was Born in the Parish of Chaldon Herring as he hath been informed and he believes and that about Eight Years ago he himself for a year to work for William Green of Stratton in the said County Carpenter in the said Trade for four shillings a week wages, Lodging and Diet and served him for the said year accordingly and one quarter of a second year under such agreement and then left that service and soon after married his late wife late Mary George Spinster at Fordington aforesaid by whom he hath two children Thomas aged six years and Mary aged two years And that he hath done no act on his own account to gain a settlement other than before set forth and further saith that at the Time he left his Father and ceased to be part of his said Fathers Family, his said Father then resided at Chaldon Herring aforesaid and now resides at Wool in the said County and at the Time he thus left his said Father, his said Father then was and now is a legal Parishoner at Wool aforesaid and his said Father is now relieved by that Parish sworn before us.

James Frampton

J. H. Browne

Removal Order 1798 – William Allen

 Dorset History Centre Reference – MIC/R/1514   PE/FOR/SG/OV5/4/50

Dorset to wit. 

To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Fordington in the said County of Dorset, and to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Stratton in the County aforesaid and to each and every one of them.

Upon the complaint of the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parish of Fordington aforesaid in the County of Dorset, unto us whose names are hereunto set and seals affixed, being two of His Majesty's Justices of the peace in and for said County of Dorset, and one of us of the Quorum, that William Allen, Thomas his son aged six years and Mary his daughter aged four two years have come to inhabit in the said parish of Fordington not having gained a legal settlement there, and that the said William Allen, Thomas Allen and Mary Allen his children are now chargeable to the said parish of  Fordington. We the said Justices, upon due proof made thereof, as well upon the examination of the said William Allen upon oath, as otherwise, and likewise upon due consideration had of the premises, do adjudge the same to be true; and we do likewise adjudge the lawful settlement them, the said William Allen, Thomas and Mary Allen his children is in the parish of Stratton County aforesaid.

We do therefore require you the said churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of Fordington or some or one of you, to convey the said William Allen, Thomas and Mary Allen his children from and out of the parish of Fordington to the said parish of Stratton and then deliver to the churchwardens and overseers of the poor there, or to some or one of them, together with this our order, or a true copy thereof, at the same time shewing to them the original: And we do also hereby require you the said churchwardens and overseers of the poor of the said parish of Stratton to receive and provide for them as inhabitants of your parish.

Given under our Hands and seals the 29th day of December in the year of our Lord, 1798.

James Frampton

J. H. Browne


Removal Order - Notice of Appeal – (Children of) William Allen

Dorset History Centre Reference – MIC/R/1514   PE/FOR/SG/OV5/4/51

To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parish of Fordington in the County of Dorset.

We the Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the parish of Stratton in the said County of Dorset hereby give you and every of you notice that we do intend at the next general Quarter Sessions of Peace to be holden at Blandford in and for the said County of Dorset on Thursday the fifteenth day of January next year to enter an appeal against an order of James Frampton and John Herbert Browne two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County of Dorset for and concerning the removal of Thomas Allen and Mary Allen children of William Allen from the said parish of Stratton. And as we shall then move this the said Appeal may be respited to the Sessions then next following we do also give you notice that there will be no occasion for the attendance of yourselves, witnesses, Attorney or Counsel at the said Sessions at Blandford aforesaid witness our hands this eighth day of January 1799.

 Robert Willis


John Davies


Edward ----?----


Quarter Session Appeal Hearing - (Children of) William Allen

 Dorset History Centre Reference – MIC/R/997  QSM 1/12

The following transcription was taken from an entry in the Minute Book of the Epiphany Quarter Sessions held at Blandford Forum, Dorset on the 15th January 1799

Stratton (Appellants) versus Fordington (Respondents)

Upon an Appeal made unto this Court by the Inhabitants of the parish of Stratton in this County from an Order made by and under the Hands and Seals of James Frampton and John Herbert Browne Esquires two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace of and for the said County and one of them of the Quorum bearing date twenty ninth day of December last past touching the Removal of William Allen, Thomas his son aged Six Years and Mary his daughter aged Two Years out of and from the parish of Fordington in the said County to the Parish of Stratton aforesaid Now upon reading the said recited Order on Motion of Giles Templeman Esquire as Counsel on the part of the said Appellant for receiving and filing the said Order and for entering and adjourning over the hearing the Merit of the said Appeal to the said General Quarter Sessions of the Peace to be holden in and for the Said County This Court doth therefore order that the said Order of Removal of the said two Justices be received and filed and that the said Appeal be entered and adjourned over to the next General Quarter Session of the Peace to be holden in and for the said County and the same is hereby Received and filed and also entered and adjourned over accordingly And this Court doth also order that all previous witnesses upon Notice or Service of this order do attend accordingly to hear and abide by the judgement and Determination of this Court touching the Merits of the said Appeal.



Quarter Session Appeal Decision - (Children of) William Allen

Dorset History Centre Reference – MIC/R/997  QSM 1/12

The following transcription was taken from an entry in the Minute Book of the Easter Quarter Sessions held at Sherborne, Dorset on Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd April 1799

Stratton (Appellants) versus Fordington (Respondents)

Whereas by an Order made at the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace of our Lord the King held at Blandford Forum in and for the Said County on Tuesday the Fifteenth day of January last past setting forth that upon an Appeal made unto the Said Court by the Inhabitants of the Parish in the Said County from an Order made by and under the Hands and Seals of James Frampton and John Herbert Browne Esquires two of His Majestys Justices of the Peace of and for the Said County and one of them of the Quorum bearing date the Twenty ninth day of December last past touching the Removal of William Allen, Thomas his son aged six years and Mary his daughter aged two years out of and from the Parish of Fordington in the Said County to the Parish of Stratton aforesaid Shall upon reading the Said respited Order and on Motion of Giles Templeman Esquire as Counsel on the part of the Said Appellants for Receiving and filing the Said Order and for entering and adjourning the Said Appeal to This General Sessions. The Said Court as aforesaid Order that the Said Order of Removal of the Said two Justices should be Received and filed and that the Said Appeal should be entered and adjourned over to this present Sessions accordingly And the Said Court did also Order that all persons concerned upon Notice or service of the Said Order should attend accordingly to hear and abide by the Judgement and Determination of this Court touching the Merits of this and Appeal NOW on Motion of the Said Giles Templeman Esquire for withdrawing the Said Appeal. Ordered that the Appeal be withdrawn and the Same is withdrawn accordingly.


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