Transcribed and donated to the Dorset OPC Project by Kim Parker
Before 1239 Philip
1260 John de Thorncombe
1281-2 Richard de Selecumbe
1284 William de Strattone
1325 John North
1328 John Sampson
1361 Thomas Stremynge
1420-1 John Smythe
1428-9 John Lemmone
1440 Henry Knyghte
1443 Nicholas Moure
1476-7 John Godwyne
1476-7 Robert Jonys
1529 Thomas Tybbes alias Charde
Abbot of Forde
1544 William Ffreyke, B.A.
1551 John Chubbe, B.A.
1580 Richard Ffarneham
1628 Robert Gomershall, M.A.
1644 John Bragge, M.A.
1648 William Bragge, M.A.
Appointed by Parliament in 1648, officially instituted by the Bishop of Exeter in 1662
1680 John Lovering, M.A.
1684 William Bragge, M.A.
1702 Thomas Cook, D.D.
1748 William French, M.A.
1761 Samuel Hood, M.A.
1777 George Gibbs, M.A.
1789 William Bragge, B.C.L.
1790 Charles Egerton, M.A.
1833 John Bragge, LL.B.
1875 Charles Albert Bragge, M.A.
1924 Lewis Richardson
1934 Alfred Burley Hardy
1944 Ernest James Cheverton, B.A.
1949 George Frederick Grove B.A.
1959 Eric James Hood
1965 L. Temple Sims Williams, M.A.
1969 David Harwood Hughes, B.A.
1975 Peter S. Macpherson
1982 Leslie Davis Harmon B + n
1987 Richard Jeavons MAM. Sc.C.Th
1989 Brian R. Sutton